Why Do We Drool When We Sleep and How To Stop It

Each of us sometimes wakes up to find drool on the pillow. This is called drooling, and it’s quite normal if it happens to you occasionally and in moderate amounts. However, if this happens regularly, it’s worth paying attention to.

Why do we drool?

When we sleep our facial muscles, as well as our swallowing reflexes, are totally relaxed. Since saliva gets accumulated in the mouth while we sleep, it can slowly start dripping because the relaxed facial muscles may lead to a slightly open mouth. Therefore, we end up having a wet pillow that’s not very comfortable to sleep on.

Why Do We Drool When We Sleep and How To Stop It

Excess drooling or hypersalivation can be a sign of a neurological disease or the result of nasal congestion. Also, people who already had issues with health, like a stroke, tend to drool more often and more excessively.

How to reduce or stop drooling?

1. Sleep on your back: People who sleep on their side or stomach are the most likely to drool during the night. This is due to the action of gravity that opens the mouth and lets saliva fall.If you don’t like waking up with a big puddle of drool on your pillow, you can follow some of these suggestions:

1. Sleep on your back: People who sleep on their side or stomach are the most likely to drool during the night. This is due to the action of gravity that opens the mouth and lets saliva fall.

2. Keep your head elevated: If you can’t sleep on your side, try a more upright position to allow your mouth to close and create better airflow.

3. Breathe through your nose, not your mouth: The main reason people drool is because their nose is stuffed. As a result, breathing through the mouth causes drooling.

If after trying these tips, you continue to drool and it is uncomfortable for you, it is better that you consult with your specialist.